Hey random people! So my blog followers (yes i have blog followers now so close your mouth) hehe! are beginning to complain that i do not post regularly so i hereby promise to try and update a new post every weekend, so be sure to check the blog every weekend, Don't forget to comment and share,(you can share by copying the link and posting it on your social media(s) or clicking the social media icons) Thanks! Anyways i am here to share a short, silly and random thought so enjoy!
Lesbians and me! haha! it isn't what you think so get your mind out of the gutter! i didn't exactly bang a lesbian (not yet anyways) i am kidding (i'm not kidding) seriously i'm kidding! hehe! While it might get you 14 years in jail to be sexually attracted and involved with the same sex in Nigeria, i don't think it has really stopped or changed anything, as we very well know, Laws in Nigeria can be termed 'Big Fat Joke' because the people making the laws are the ones breaking them, we have heard rumors of top government officials involved in homosexuality but that is besides my point, basically i'm here to discuss something else, now according to the statistics online (if that's good enough) men usually find lesbians sexy than women find gay men sexy, in the sense that a guy can easily get turned on by the sight of two women kissing but a woman might not get moved by the sight of two men kissing, I moved on to conduct my own research, apparently models are more exposed to the lesbian and gay society than other professionals so i asked some of my male model friends (the straight ones, i'm still looking for a gay bestie) about their experience(s) and sure enough none of them found it sexy when a gay dude came on to them, it made them uncomfortable and they usually avoid working with them. So i'm gonna go out on a limb here and represent the Straight women society, heh! i am as straight as they come, thank you very much but i have to say from experience that i wasn't offended, self-righteous or turned off when i was asked out by two different lesbians, yes two! (i'm that attractive, haha!) The thing is i was greatly pleased, i'm not sure i know why but on both occasions it made me feel good about myself. haha! I know it's corny but it sort of confirmed my 'sexiness and desirability' haha! maybe not men but women want to be considered desirable by every human specie on earth, whether Lesbians, Gay or Bisexuals and so on. Sometimes when i wana burst my brain, i call them to check up on them just to get me some lesbian attention, heh! we all know women are more attentive than men, so imagine a female lover, not that i'm interested in having one o, i love men! Thank you very much! haha! So Absolutely Random!
P.S- What do you think? Comment and Share! Have a Beautiful Weekend! xo
Lool.. U surprise me everytime with your posts. But hey I think its every young man's secret fantasy to do it with two lesbian girls playing with each other atleast once before they die. Haha. I've had a number of gay guys check me out and approach me and this experience sucks really...as a super straight guy. But hey whatever rocks whoever's boat. Lol
Loool, I'm guessing by 'every young man's dream' you mean yours right? *tongue out* thanks for reading!
Hahaaha chicken
Mere looking at a lady get a man high,I aff a lesbian frd who change to a straight lady all bcos of me, dey can't be neglect dey need a straight lady like me ( feeling fly)
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