Friday, 5 February 2016


DISCLAIMER: This post is in no way intended to disrespect those that got engaged on valentine's day or those that are about to get engaged, i genuinely wish you 'happily ever after'. This post is exclusively my thought/opinion, though i do not expect everyone to agree, i do however expect it to be respected the same way i would respect yours. Thank You!

Hey Random People! Happy Lovey-Dovey Season! It's the season of love people! Smile! Live! Love! Laugh! heh! Now as you can tell i'm really excited, i'm a Lovey-dovey-hopeless-romantic kind of person, so naturally i love love season! heh! Now most people feel like valentine is only for boyfriends/girlfriends/lovers/married people or whatever  but Valentine is for everyone, it's about showing love to random people and not so random people. Looking back i only just realized that i'm usually single on valentine's day hahaha! but unlike some people i'm never depressed, i don't organize 'i-hate-valentine's day' dinners (i know for a fact that people actually do this) Anyways! i'm already rambling, i tend to 'ramble' sometimes! especially when i'm excited or nervous, i could be awkward sometimes, really, heh! Anyways what i'm trying to say is you do not have to be in a romantic relationship to give or receive a valentine gift. Look around you i'm sure you'll see someone in dire need of a smile, a thoughtful gift would do that, so this valentine season Make-a-Random-Person-Smile! (i'm a random person you can make me smile by giving me a Maltese puppy, thank you very much) heh! And now to my random point of the day:

I get that it's valentine Season, i get that it's the season of  Love, i get that you are in Love, i get that you want to spend the rest of your life with her, i also get that you want to show her a romantic gesture and i get that your romantic gesture is by proposing on Valentine's day, Now get this, don't do it, i repeat don't propose, allow me to emphasize DO NOT PROPOSE! Okay i know you don't get it, so let me explain. Sure proposing on Valentine's day is romantic but if you want it to be special which i'm sure you do, proposing on valentine's day isn't going to make it special because let's face it it is kind of a cliche, at least that's how i feel. Seriously have you ever tried googling the word 'special'? try it , you'll see words like 'exceptional, distinctive, particular, specific, better, greater or otherwise different from what is usual'. So my dear brother what is unusual about proposing on Valentine's day? You and over a million other men are going to propose on valentine's day! 

In 2013, American Express spending and saving Tracker consumer report surveyed American's Valentine's day plans and found that six million couples were likely to get engaged on Feb 14! haha! 6 Million! and that's just America! Imagine around the globe! and that was 2years ago! The survey this year estimated 14 million !!! hahaha!   I know some people are like common Mo it isn't a big deal but i'm telling you, i do not want to be proposed to on Valentine's day and trust me the fact that i feel this way, over a million random girls feels the same way! (including your girlfriend) heh!  Seriously, do you really want the same proposal story with over 14 million people!? Do you really want your proposal to be a cliche? Common! you can do better!

Okay let's picture these together, while having valentine- dinner at a wonderful romantic restaurant, the food is perfect (if she's like me the food had better be perfect, heh!) the setting is perfect, the mood is perfect, you excuse yourself briefly to use the rest room but really you are just going to confirm with the chef/waiter to make sure the ring is in the right kind of chocolate cake/dessert (and if she's like me, she's probably going to swallow the ring in the food, ha! seriously though the person that came up with the idea of putting ring inside food needs to be flogged, how is that romantic?) or to make sure they bring in the wine and fireworks at the right moment so you can go down on one knee to propose, just know that you'll meet more than five men in the kitchen with the chef, doing the exact same thing or if you really go to the rest room to say a silent prayer, just know you'll meet more than six men, also there to control their nervousness before they propose. Even if it's a cinema, just know more than ten guys are preparing to do the exact same thing, propose! If it's on a boat cruise, more than ten men are preparing to propose and so on and so forth. 

Four out of ten couples gathered in a place on valentine's day are about to get engaged, while people are 'awww-ing' and 'ohhh-ing' or clapping to the fact that you just got engaged, they would be cut 'mid-clap' because their attention would be shifted to another couple that just got engaged! Imagine four people getting engaged at the same exact moment, in 10 different locations on each street in a state, in a country, in the world! Ah! this calculation is giving me a headache already! heh! but i'm sure you get my point. I can bet you my favorite shoes that just as you are about to pick your phone to call your friend that you just got engaged your phone would ring and it would be that same friend or another friend calling to tell you she just got engaged! haha! 

I could go on and on but i'm sure you get my point, so make that proposal special by proposing on the 5th day of February or the 3rd day of July or the 25th of April  or the 7th of November or the 26th of August, you get my point? Basically, more than half of women around the world (maybe i'm exaggerating) expect to get engaged on valentine's day, i do not think that is special, i think taking her out on an absolutely random day when she isn't expecting it and proposing to her is so absolutely special and romantic! What do you think? Comment and Share! Happy valentine's day people! Don't forget to Make-a-Random-Person-Smile this season of love and remember, Live! Love! Laugh! xox 
On that note, Congratulations to all the men that are about to propose on the 14th of February, i hope she says yes! and to my beautiful women out there thinking of saying yes when he proposes, Congratulations! And to the women expecting to be proposed to, don't be disappointed if he doesn't! Have a good weekend!

Random hint: i'll be expecting my Maltese puppy! heh!


Seun Carter's Blog said...

No be only Maltese puppy. Come and take Leo. And dear random people me I just want an all expense paid trip to somewhere beautiful. Thanks in advance. And yeah dear future husband, please don't propose on vals day.

Abby said...

Lol, so true. I feel it takes away the whole essence of the proposal, its just too random and cliché. After all Valentine's day is already special and perhaps "overrated", in my own opinion. Dear Future husband, please abeg take a cue and choose any other day of the year! Tbh, I'll still say Yes if u eventually choose valentine's day😀😀😁

Abby said...

Lol, so true. I feel it takes away the whole essence of the proposal, its just too random and cliché. After all Valentine's day is already special and perhaps "overrated", in my own opinion. Dear Future husband, please abeg take a cue and choose any other day of the year! Tbh, I'll still say Yes if u eventually choose valentine's day😀😀😁

Anonymous said...

first off, i hate valentine day & the much noise/stress attendant to it, so feel free to see my comment as already being prejudicial or coloured (by how i feel about valentine day). look for another day, even if yu are a sentimental soul, yu obviously can't rock her world by being predictable - choose a day or date that is not popular/special, make it popular/special. having said this little, i admonish yu to "do yu," "do ur thang," "do what works for yu!"