Thursday, 1 September 2016


For centuries, wars have been waged, hearts have been broken all in the pursuit of happiness, all in the pursuit to feel and find happiness. All over the world individuals break up relationships of fifteen years or more because they no longer feel happy, Men and Women quit their jobs because they feel like something is missing; 'Happiness'. People sell their houses and move from their own country to another country because they feel like a change of environment would make them happy. Seems like everyone we meet is on the journey of finding the ultimate price 'Happiness'! So the question is, What is Happiness?

"To be happy, you have to be willing to be compliant with not knowing"
- Shirley MacLaine, Academy Award Winner

A while back a friend of mine asked me, "Are You Happy?" surprisingly i frowned and thought of the question, after about two minutes i finally looked at him and answered "well, i am not unhappy", we laughed and left it at that. Ever since i had that conversation i have wondered about my answer, if i am not unhappy, then why didn't i just say i am happy? 

The thing about happiness is that all over the world happiness means different things to different people, it comes in different sizes, shapes and colors. Happiness for some people is that job promotion, it could be that first pay check or that pay check you get at the end of every month. It could be the sound of your child's laughter or watching your baby take his first steps. It could be the sound your partner makes during lovemaking. It could be the joy of paying your own bills or heartfelt gratitude from your parents when you pay for their long overdue vacation. But then again why do people who have experienced the above moments of pleasure still end up unhappy, some of them have all these and still end up so depressed that they take their lives, why?

The thing is we are always waiting for something awesome to happen to us because we believe it would bring happiness. It seems to me like we depend and wait on some particular thing, event or person to be happy. We wait for that promotion because it would make us happy, we wait to fall in love and be with our soulmate because it would make us happy. I am not saying that getting that promotion is bad, promotion equals more money and more money means you will be more comfortable, comfort is good, it makes life easier but the fact is Comfort doesn't always equal Happiness. Neither am i saying waiting for your soul mate is bad, Love is good, it makes you feel good, thereby making life good, but it means you are waiting for someone to make you happy and if you have to depend on someone for happiness you are only setting yourself up for unhappiness.

"My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance, and in inverse proportion to my expectations." - Michael J. Fox

After twenty five years, one month, twenty six days and six hours, forty two minutes and thirty nine seconds on Earth i have come to understand and accept that Happiness is Gratitude, that waiting for something to happen to make me happy isn't living, that is postponing my happiness. I have come to accept that there is no pursuit of happiness, happiness is NOW, happiness isn't feeling good all the time, if it was that then drug addicts would forever be happy, happiness is accepting that 'Shit Happens and Life sucks' but if i am truly grateful for all that i have, i will be content and with content comes true Joy and being filled with Joy means undiluted happiness. Thus, even though i am not where i want to be and i still want so much from life, even though i don't know what tomorrow holds, i think i can truly say "Yes i am happy" if i am asked because i am grateful for all that i am and all that i have, ARE YOU?


Unknown said...

nice Mary u r doing well

Unknown said...

Thanks for your sweet words saliu! :)